
In 2005 Jomini was requested to participate in the development of what became ISO 14064, the backbone process that confirms a solution/technology’s qualification to quantify greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions.  Certain methodologies have been accepted globally and since that time, and Jomini has worked to develop market opportunities for clients within the carbon market.  Often this has included the use of solutions that Jomini has introduced to the market.

As a result of experience in this market, Jomini has developed a proprietary process to meet the various Standards that can assist clients to exploit opportunities made available from both the voluntary and regulated carbon markets globally.  This effort will make use of our procedures which reflect both art and science; the ‘art’ portion will address the marketing plans and assessments that allow for an organization to differentiate itself and demonstrate its focus on addressing environmental issues and sustainability; the ‘science’ is the analytical approach to the calculation of emission reductions and removals by trained and qualified individuals to ensure that those numbers are real and meet with regulatory approval leading to credit trading.  This process ensures that all of the legal, policy and technical issues are resolved and confirmed for the entire process leading up to off-set generation and/or credit exchange.  In order to address so many facets of this market, Jomini has retained exclusive and internationally renowned individuals and organizations that positively interoperate within the Jomini ‘process’.

There are three principal areas of focus:

    1. Organizational inventories (carbon footprint), including necessary Scope Reporting;
    2. Projects based on technologies and solutions that offer a reduction in GHG emissions; and
    3. The validation and verification requirements that would allow for the successful trading of Emission Reductions and Removals (“ERR”s), offsets or CO2e credits depending upon market venues.

International opportunities existed within the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto protocol, and since that time, other reporting bodies have emerged, including the Carbon Disclosure Project.  Companies often reported their ‘footprint’ via the latterly noted body, and this has also become the vehicle for environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) focused investors to measure the impact of an organisation’s environmental position.  With Article 6 of the recent Paris Acord, and the recent international environmental meetings, international standards are becoming more important as national governments assume the role of establishing criteria for GHG reporting and trading.

It is vital that for a business to enter into this market, or be directed as it may be, that its submission for the decrease in GHG emissions resulting from their technology/product, or actions they have taken, be auditable, transparent and sound; in other words, the reductions and removals, and credits, must be substantiated, and must be able to withstand the rigours of accountability to the framework adopted by the ISO and other Registries, Methodologies and Standards.  This is a role that Jomini undertakes in coordination with a client.

As a result, all Project Plans produced will include all the planning and preparation necessary to meet the various Standards.  From this marketing strategies can be generated to project the undertakings to meet with ESG, shareholder, customer, client, and government requirements.  These actions can also have an impact on insurance rates for an organisation.   The impact of these Projects can be seen in the deployment of the technology, product or service, as they indicate an improvement in efficiency that eliminates waste in a supply chain, provides new clean sources of power or energy efficiency, or changes in procedures that streamline performance; this is the result of the incentives generated by understanding and participating in the Jomini environmental process.

As a reminder, Jomini has an inventory of technologies that can assist businesses in meeting and/or overcoming environmental concerns and turn these into economic and operational benefits.  These and new solutions are also introduced to the Jomini Network to expand the market-driven opportunities.

Environmental Performance

A complete review of the process that has led to solutions gaining process conformance and carbon offsets/credits for users is described in the Transportation and Power Generation  Book.  Each solution that meets the robust standards can be used to support and achieve corporate sustainability and environmental objectives, and these are described as well.